Sunday, July 15, 2012

4 Step DIY Moisturizing Lip Scrub!

In this world, there are a lot of people who use lipstick. And since there are so many lipstick users out there, there are consequently a lot of lipsticks out there. Some of these lipsticks require exfoliating your lips previously to make the lipstick look good. I happen to own a couple of these lipsticks. Additionally, exfoliating your lips is good for them. And lastly, I'm too cheap to go buy a real lip scrub. So, all of these things added up to me deciding to make my own lip scrub. I'm quite pleased with the results, which is why I'm sharing the how-to with you today. These are the things you'll need.

The items wouldn't all fit in one picture, sorry about that! Here's a list:
-Brown sugar (any type)
-A small lip gloss pot
-A Q-tip
-Aquaphor or Vaseline
-A spoon

Now, let's begin!

Step 1: Cut off one of the cotton ends of the Q-tip

Step 2: Put some Aquaphor or Vaseline in the lip gloss pot.

Step 3: Get some brown sugar. The Aquaphor : brown sugar ratio should be about 2:1. So the amount of brown sugar depends on how much Aquaphor you used. Make sure there are no nasty chunks of brown sugar.
What you don't want:
What you do want:

Step 4: Mix the brown sugar with the Aquaphor.
You have now made your own lip scrub! Congratulations! The Aquaphor or Vaseline is moisturizing, and the brown sugar exfoliates. Hope you guys liked this tutorial, let me know if you want to see more like this!


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